Data Security for a Permission

Security filters and data access sets determine what data users can see in the solution.


Analytic objects represent the different types of things that users can analyze in the solution. They can be a subject like an employee or an event like an interview. Data for the analytic objects are stored in profile files in the form of tables. The following is an example of an employee profile file, where each row represents an employee record, each column represents a property that describes the employee, and each field contains a property value.

Employee ID Name Birthdate Organization Location
100 Carrie Jan 20, 1980 R&D New York
101 Stewart Jun 16, 1967 Sales New York
102 Laurel Dec 2, 1992 R&D San Francisco
103 Doug Mar 11, 1987 Marketing Vancouver

In Visier, data security is defined independently for each analytic object and, if enabled, sources. These data security configurations are captured in security filters and data access sets. Security filters determine the population of the analytic object that users can access. Data access sets determine the properties and property values that users can access for the analytic object. When you combine security filters and data access sets, you are deciding which group of records are accessible and what information is accessible from those records.

Example: Permission that grants users detailed access to all employees in New York.

To create this permission, you would have to define:

  • A security filter for the Employee subject that restricts access to only employees in New York.
  • A data access set for the Employee subject that gives users detailed access to all employee properties.

Using the previous employee profile file as an example, users with this permission would be able to access the records for Carrie and Stewart and see values for their Employee ID, First Name, Birth Date, Organization Hierarchy, and Location Hierarchy. Users will also be able to use these properties in filters and group bys to analyze the data.

Data security workflow

Use the following workflow when adding data security for a permission:

  1. Choose the items you want to give users access to. For more information, see Add Access to Items.
  2. Configure the population access for each item. For more information, see Security Filters.
  3. Configure the data access sets for each item. For more information, see Data Access Sets.

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